Maria's Blog

Just another weblog

It’s being more that a year November 4, 2011

Filed under: PhD thesis — malugran @ 10:23 am

Yeah I know, it’s being more than a year since I wrote the last post, and too many things had happened. But the important issues are related to my PhD, my new teaching experience and the prospects of future steps.

Good news, I had my first publication from my PhD named: ‘Social enterprise and social entrepreneurship research and theory: A bibliometric analysis from 1991 to 2010’ in the Social Enterprise Journal.  This is the link to download it:

The paper presented a quantitative analysis of the literature on Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship. An important finding is the confirmation that this literature is maturing, in other words, there is more empirical research being done, more collaboration between academics and practitioners, more international collaboration and  finally more papers produced every year.





Defining Social Enterprises (SE) February 26, 2010

Filed under: PhD thesis — malugran @ 10:47 am

Before providing a definition of what a SE is, it should be noted that there are two critical conditions, which have generated the emergence of SE organisations:

1. There has been a widespread perceived lack of confidence in the actions of public sector organisations and dissatisfaction with government.  This has been caused mainly due to its inefficiency, its waste of money, and expenditure on controversial items. This has lead to a civil society that is looking for an answer in the Third Sector to solve social problems that are not being covered by the public sector (Nye et al., 1997).

2.  The private sector and its capitalist models have up till now tending to focus on the necessities of the owners and shareholders – a model which is now risking their economic future under current circumstances.   Recently some organisations have started to search for a balance for all of their stakeholders, and are concerning themselves more with social matters. Therefore, they are generating alternatives such as Corporate Social Responsibility, or are creating social initiatives that have their origins within the private company, becoming then into autonomous SE.

These two historical elements have triggered an awakening of civil society searching for change and development, and thus beginning to see the necessity of SE.


Soup of words February 16, 2010

Filed under: PhD thesis — malugran @ 11:22 am

Wordle: PhD proposalAs part of this process, I found an interesting page that allows you create your own soup of words from a text (my proposal), and identify what is the most popular word you are writing on.

Waste of time? I don’t think so …

The page:


Social Enterprises February 15, 2010

Filed under: PhD thesis — malugran @ 2:11 pm
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Hello all,

As part of my research about Knowledge Management in Social Enterprises in Developing Countries, I think is important to share my findings, experiences, mistakes and any information that allows a real knowledge transfer to people who could be interested in this subject.

I’m just going to start with some dramatic numbers:

94% of world income goes to 40% of the people, while the other 60% must live on only 6% of world income.

Half of the world lives on two dollars a day or less, while almost a billion people live on less than one dollar a day.

Have a look of those statements, what do you think?